Kits Glass is happy to provide you with a quotation or estimate for your project. To make the process as easy and efficient as possible, we ask that you fill out and submit our online quote form, which can be found on the Request a Quote page. A link is also provided below.
- Online Quote: Request a Quote
- E-Mail to sales@kitsglass.ca
- Fax Quote request should be sent to: 604-231-0807
- Telephone Quote or Customer Assistance call 1-888-594-5277 or 604-231-0878
Ordering Procedure
If you are ordering a unit that was previously quoted, please include your Quotation Number with your order submission.
- Once your purchase order has been submitted you will receive a confirmation order. We require that each order be confirmed by the customer prior to production.
- Upon acceptance of the order, a 50% deposit is required for customers without established credit terms.
- Our Customer Service Department will contact you approximately one week prior to the intended shipping date to arrange for shipping and completion of payment, if necessary.
- On C.O.D. accounts we accept VISA, MasterCard, Bank Drafts, Money Orders, Direct Deposits or Certified Cheques.